Meet Senior Kassie of Andover High! Kassie is a sweet, theater-loving senior who also boxes! Yes boxes! When I first met Kassie and her mother, I felt like they looked familiar and I could never figure it out. But I think I know now! Kassie looks like someone famous. Not like a specific celebrity, but like she could be famous. Doesn’t she? I can totally see her on a movie cover.
Kassie’s radiant smile made every picture perfect. Posing her was easy. She chose the Bartlett Arboretum not only because it is beautiful but also because of its familiarity. Her grandma has volunteered there for quite some time, and brought Kassie to help several times in the past. We were able to go deeper into the Arboretum than I had been before and found an awesome truck to use!
Choosing favorites from the session was not easy but enjoy these few! And don’t forget her name! Kassie Clausing (see it even sounds famous).