I have known both these two for years!! So when I found out that the two of them were together, it made my heart so happy.
Megan said the two met on a (mostly) blind date in September of 2016. (She did her research on Facebook she said ha!) The first several months they dated were mostly long distance since Phil was working a job in Garden city. Then in July of 2017 (about 10 months after they met), Phil moved back to Wichita.
The proposal happened Feb 3 at a super bowl party. Phil had invited Megan’s family and some close friends. “At halftime Phil asked if I wanted to do a puzzle (an activity we had done at last year’s super bowl party),” Megan said. “As I assembled the puzzle, I recognized it was a picture of us but there were pieces missing. Phil went to ‘check the box for other pieces’ and came back. As I finished the puzzle with the pieces he brought it read ‘will you marry me?’ I then looked over and saw Phil on one knee with a ring.” AHH so cute!!!
“My favorite qualities in Phil are his sense of humor, his work ethic and his relaxed approach to just about everything,” Megan said.
Watching these two is so sweet. He is so kind to her and she is just a SWEETHEART. They laughed so much during our session. Which made it a blast! I cannot wait to capture their wedding in August!