The Wichita Bridal Expo is this weekend! Are you engaged and going? Some say it can be overwhelming, but I think if you know what it’s going to be like going in, it’s really a lot of fun! Here are some tips that I have picked up on from past shows: Make a wedding e-mail […]

I love Expo’s. Overall, it was a great show! I met tons of beautiful brides, made friends with some vendors, ate lots of good food, and had the best spot! Located in between two places giving away food, my booth sat in the middle of the event and in sight of the fashion stage- woo hoo! It was […]

This past weekend I had the wonderful experience of having a booth for the first time at the Wichita Bridal Expo! I have been to many bridal shows before, helping my mom with her business 2nd 2 None Consignment, so I had a good idea of how it worked going in. But this was the first time […]

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